
The Beauty of the Whole Mountain – The Rev. Shannon Preston – St. Paul’s Within the Walls

August 6, 2017

    “…We celebrate today those moments when we are transported, transformed, lead nearer to God. It is the Feast of the Transfiguration and in two of our lessons we are told of mountaintop experiences. Moses climbs and descends Sanai with a face that shines so brightly from encountering God that people cannot look at him. Jesus, up his mountain encounters Moses and Elijah and is transfigured into “dazzling white.” His face changes. The encounter, the closeness of God changes how they look, how they live, for a time. Presumably, in encountering God, they are elevated to another realm of existence—filled only with light and the presence of God. Today is a feast where we give thanks for these moments, for these mountaintop experiences when Jesus and Moses meet God, know God, are filled or reconnected with God…”

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