
The Passion of Emmett Till – The Rev. Morgan Allen – Church Building

April 9, 2017

    “”…On Palm Sunday, we share this strange and difficult experience so that we will not forget…so that the truth will remain in us…so that, somehow, we will see again its flickers of hope – of courage beyond the brutality; of faith beyond the fear; and of love beyond the hate – so that, when looking across the vast darkness of our own moment, we would have eyes to see, to perceive the faint, deep purple on the horizon. And, believing in a God who still seeks us despite ourselves, that we would see in that deep-purple horizon, dawn…dawn and not dusk. Yes: we tell this story that we might find our courage, and our faith, and our love: strengthened to stand with our brothers and sisters at the cross and to labor for Easter…””

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