Home Adult Ministry

Adult Ministry

Our path towards God offers a constant invitation to let God make us into a new creation. Being Christian goes beyond Sunday worship and involves exploration of ourselves, others and the world that we inhabit. Through formation we develop habits of living, study and prayer. When regularly and faithfully participating in these patterns, our faith begins to “inhabit” our being in ways that transform us, as well as shape our actions. We craft our program of Christian formation for spiritual growth at every age and for every situation, nurturing these dispositions in ways that allow us to continue deepening our lives in and with Christ.

Please contact the Rev. Brin Bon for more information.


Mom’S BIBLE Study

tuesdays | 9:30a | Windsor, media room

Mom’s Bible Study gathers in person to support one another in the trials and joys of motherhood. We hold space to meet weekly and explore together mini-sabbaths and bite-size spiritual practices when there is seemingly never enough time in the day for ourselves. The group is comprised of moms of all ages, with a particular emphasis on those with small children at home. Nursery care is provided. New members are welcome to join us at any time. This group meets September–May. With questions, please contact Jessica Riels.


Tuesdays | 1:30p | Windsor, media room

This Bible study is for any woman in transition—those new to 

being empty nesters, retirement, or any of the many other transitions in life. Together we read different books of the Bible, explore the books’ meaning at the time they were written and how the stories speak to our lives today. Some of us are new to Good Shepherd and others are long-time members, and we are glad to get to know each other and to have companions on the journey. New members are welcome to join us at any time. This group meets September–May. With questions, please contact the Rev. Stanford Adams.


Tuesdays | 5:00p | WINDSOR, reflection room

Contemplative prayer, a form of Christian meditation, aims to open practitioners to the presence of God who dwells with us always.
The tone of this prayer is peace, stillness and quiet. Contemplative prayer seeks a personal encounter with God through silence and is powerful when practiced with others. This prayer group meets in person from September–May. New members are welcome to join at any time, regardless of previous experience in silent prayer or contemplative practices. With questions, contact D’Arcy Randall.


Tuesdays   |   6:30p   |   Windsor, vestry room

The Men’s Bible Study invites all men of the parish to join them on Tuesday nights from 6:30 to 8:00p as they study the Bible together. Participants can bring any Bible translation they like. They also read commentaries and the the Book of Common Prayer to enhance their understanding of the Bible, aiming for a balance between a close reading and discussion of the impact of scripture on our lives and our world. For more information, contact Frank Pool.


Thursdays   |   9:30a   |   Windsor, vestry room

How to Read the Bible: Beginning at the Beginning with the Book of Genesis.

This weekly class will set out to explore one of the most ancient narratives of scripture—the Book of Genesis. This one book contains histories, folklore, family drama, and some of the earliest accounts of encounters with God/ Yahweh / Elohim. Come learn more about the Bible and how to read it! New members are welcome to join us at any time. This group meets September–May. With questions and to be added to the class email list, please contact the Rev. the Rev. Brin Bon.


Thursdays   |   11:00a   |   Windsor, media room

Women on the Journey meets in person and online for a time of spiritual connection, mutual support, study and prayer. Members find meaning and guidance for their own spiritual journeys and also become companions to one another on the journey of faith to which Christ beckons. New members are welcome to join us at any time. This group meets September–May. With questions, or a link to join, contact the Rev. Paige Alvarez Hanks.

Continuing education


THURSDAYS | 6:30P | Windsor, Vestry Room

Interested in exploring and nurturing your faith? If so, consider joining Good Shepherd’s EfM group. Education for Ministry is an excellent course for the study of and reflection on the basics and depths of Christian faith. Good Shepherd’s mentored EfM group studies the breadth of Christian tradition and weaves those studies into theological conversations informed by participants’ experience of the world. The development of adult discipleship and an informed and reflective laity lies at the heart of EfM’s thought-provoking curriculum which models the four pillars of seminary coursework: Hebrew Scripture; Christian Scripture; church history; theology and ethics. Good Shepherd’s EfM group meets weekly on Thursday evenings. For more information, please contact mentors Bill Davies or Susan Harris.

This group requires a commitment of one year at a time, and enrollment in the group is open at the beginning of each fall.



Good Shepherd’s lay-led racial healing ministry offers educational resources; establishes and maintains community connections and relationships; and participates in diocesan efforts so that, in the words of Good Shepherd’s mission, “In the fullness of time, all people will find joyful union with God and with one another, being fully known and fully loved.” The ministry seeks to provide an entry point for any in the parish seeking to learn more about the history of race and its impact on our relationship with God and others, both in the church and in our community, and to prepare those who are called to engage in racial healing discussions and activities. For more information, including ways that you can participate in the ministry, please contact Deborah Overdorff.


Adult Ed at the Hill 

Sundays   |   9:15a   |   the Hill, parish hall

Looking for an intriguing theological and spiritual discussion? Join us each Sunday at 9:15a for our adult education class at the Hill campus. The Hill is located at 1700 Woodland Avenue. These discussions provide an opportunity to explore the deeper questions of our faith. All are welcome to attend. For more information or to lead our class, please contact Will Jones.

Sunday Bible Study: The Sermon on the Mount

Begins Sunday, January 12 | 9:15a–10:10a | Windsor, media room

The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew, 5–7) presents the essence of the teaching of Jesus. These 107 verses raise challenges for modern Christians, especially if we accept the standards and values the Sermon sets forth. The followers of Jesus are to be different – both from the nominal church and the secular world. Here is a Christian value system, an ethical standard, a religious devotion and attitudes to money, ambition, lifestyle, relationships – all of which are at variance with those in the non-Christian world. This Sermon is the most complete articulation of the life of the Kingdom of God. It is this Kingdom that Jesus desired for the Church and her followers. By grace (not law), we will learn together how Jesus intended for his Sermon to be received. This Sunday Bible Study will meet January 12–March 2 in the Windsor, media room.

For more information, please contact the Rev. Mike Wyckoff.

The Order of the Daughters of the King

Every First Sunday of the Month | 12:00p | Windsor, vestry room

The Order of the Daughters of the King (DOK) is for women of the church who seek a life of prayer, service, and evangelism for personal growth and for the spiritual upbuilding of the church. To become a member of the Order, a period of prayerful discernment in community is undertaken. DOK invites all women of Good Shepherd to prayerfully consider if this is of interest and to begin the process of discernment with us. For more information or to let us know you plan to begin discernment, please contact Renee Myrick.



Confirmation is the sacramental rite in which candidates express a mature commitment to Christ and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop. This sacrament is a public reaffirmation of the promises made at the candidate’s baptism. We offer adult confirmation once or twice a year on a bishop’s visit. Prior to the bishop’s visit, we will offer classes to explore different aspects of living a mature life in Christ and in the church. Those who have already been confirmed in the Episcopal Church may choose to reaffirm their confirmation and those who have been confirmed in certain other traditions may choose to be received by a bishop. For more information, please contact the Rev. Brin Bon.


Alpha is a series of group conversations over 11 weeks that explore the basics of the Christian faith. Alpha participants meet weekly to eat together, watch a video on a faith topic and then break into small groups for discussion. Over 30 million people worldwide have participated in an Alpha course. New members of Good Shepherd are especially invited, as well as anyone interested in exploring their faith in safe and encouraging environment. The next series will take place in late February to mid-April. For more information, contact Mark Warner.

Civil Rights pilgrimages

March 26-30 and april 2-10, 2025

A team of leaders from the local Episcopal churches is planning two civil rights pilgrimages during the Spring of 2025 for Episcopalians and friends from the Austin area. One will be an 8-day bus trip experiencing sites in Tulsa, Little Rock, Memphis, Montgomery and more, and one will be a 5-day trip flying into Birmingham and visiting Montgomery and Selma. Participants will reflect on events of the past and the present and how they inform out faith. Please consider joining us on one of these inspirational opportunities. For more information click here.


Good Shepherd Young Adults

Our young adults group fosters community and connection among those in the congregation in their 20s and 30s. We gather around town for fellowship and fun. In the process, we become friends and companions on our Christian journey. We welcome all in their 20s and 30s to join us. For more information, please contact the Rev. Leah Wise.

Click here to join the Good Shepherd Young Adult GroupMe!


Women’s Book Club is an intergenerational group that meets in the reflection room on the Windsor, parent lounge (with online participation option) at 5:00p on the second Tuesday of each month. We meet for lively conversation while discussing books through the lens of a shared spiritual journey. With questions, a list of upcoming books or a link to join the meeting virtually, please contact Linda Gorzycki.

Feeding the flock

Feeding the Flock is a team of men and women that love to grill. They prepare food for events at both campuses. In the process, participants get to know each other and enjoy a good time. For more information, please contact  Will Holford.


Greeters provide a welcoming church experience before and after worship services, greeting and assisting parishioners, new members and visitors. The welcome and warmth shown by greeters reflects God’s love for everyone. Greeters are often the first people encountered by newcomers and regular attendees alike, and we rely on greeters to help create a positive worship experience for the congregation. Please join our welcome team for either the 9:15a or 10:30a services on our Windsor campus. For more information, please contact Kathy Jolink.


Shepherd Circles provide opportunities for personal connections within our growing parish community. Join a small group, depending on life stages and interest, and build community that is curious and growing together. For more information, please contact Elizabeth Coffin.


Fall 2024 – Spring 2025

Supper Clubs are small, intergenerational groups that gather for common meals in one another’s homes, restaurants or locations of choice. These small group experiences help us connect with each other outside of our larger church-wide services and events. For more information, please contact  Elizabeth Coffin.

Women of Good Shepherd (WOGS)

We are excited to announce the official launch of Women of Good Shepherd! Who are the Women of Good Shepherd and how can you join? It could not be simpler: all women who are members of our parish are automatically members of Women of Good Shepherd (WOGS). There is no form to complete, box to check, or button to push. Membership is indeed automatic. Since February 1944, when the first group of the Women of Good Shepherd gathered together, the WOGS we have held coffees for new women members, published cookbooks, hosted bazaars, offered scholarships, and supported our various guilds. More recent programming, through our former St. Anne’s Women’s Guild, has offered a monthly lunch and speaker series, as well as hosting an annual Game Day to raise money for outreach. Today’s newly launched WOGS will continue to provide fellowship, support, and fun for women of all ages. Events to come in 2024-2025: a welcoming luncheon, fall Game Day, Women’s Christmas Tea, Women’s Retreat, Spring Game Day, and end of year lunch with program. For more information, please
contact Claire Ryan, and Brannon Smith. 



The annual Good Shepherd Women’s Retreat serves to support and connect women in the parish. This intergenerational weekend event is attended by 75-100 women each year and encourages spiritual nourishment, relaxation, fellowship and healing. Retreat will take place February 21-23, 2025 at Balcones Springs in Marble Falls, Texas! For more information, please contact Jessica Riels.


At Good Shepherd, we welcome all those who are new to our parish: those who are new to Christianity; those who are new to The Episcopal Church; and those who are new to Good Shepherd. We strive to nurture every member of our community from joining to belonging. We seek to support everyone’s sense of belonging in this remarkable place, that everyone would be fully known and fully loved. We offer newcomer welcome events throughout the year, and we rely on parishioner volunteers and our newcomer committee to make this welcome possible. For more information, please contact Kathy Jolink.