Located in Austin’s East Riverside-Oltorf neighborhood, The Hill was founded in 2016 to provide expanded opportunities for worship and missional service on the southeast side of the city. We are a multicultural community and many of our most engaged members are Deaf.
Nuestra comunidad es multicultural y muchos de nuestros miembros son Sordos.
Las clases y servicios se ofrecen en inglés, pero todos son bienvenidos a asistir. La misa incluye boletines en español para que puedas participar.
Looking for an intriguing theological and spiritual discussion? Join us each Sunday for Adult Education at the Hill campus. We explore deeper questions of our faith through scripture, prayer, and book studies. Deaf and hearing groups run concurrently in the Parish Hall. No preparation is required – all are welcome!
¿Buscas una discusión teológica y espiritual intrigante? Únete a nosotros cada domingo para la Educación de Adultos en el campus de Hill. Exploramos preguntas más profundas de nuestra fe a través de las escrituras, la oración y el estudio de libros. Los grupos de personas sordas y oyentes se reúnen simultáneamente en el Salón Parroquial. No se requiere preparación previa – ¡todos son bienvenidos!
Children and families are invited to learn more about Christian faith through a child-centered Bible program that includes a story and activities intended to engage big questions, teach life lessons, and foster joyful curiosity.
Se invita a los niños y a las familias a aprender más sobre la fe cristiana a través de un programa bíblico centrado en los niños que incluye una historia y actividades diseñadas para abordar grandes preguntas, enseñar lecciones de vida y fomentar una curiosidad alegre.
Rite II Sunday worship at 10:30a takes place in a casual atmosphere, and includes Bible readings, a sermon, communion, and music. Classic hymns, Gospel music, and Bluegrass songs are played on guitar, piano, upright bass, and organ by the Hill’s worship band, “Hill’s Angels.” While services are conducted primarily in English, Spanish-language bulletins and American Sign Language interpretation are provided. In addition to Sunday worship, various Bible studies, book groups, and community events are offered weekly and seasonally on the Hill campus.
La misa dominical es a las 10:30a Incluye música con guitarra, piano y contrabajo, y lecturas de la Biblia junto con la comunión. El servicio es en inglés, pero hay boletines disponibles en español. Se ofrece interpretación en lenguaje de señas americano (ASL) para la comunidad sorda. Programas adicionales ocurren durante la semana.
All are invited to gather, chat, and check in with one another over coffee (or tea) and donuts immediately after the 10:30 service.
Todos están invitados a reunirse, charlar y ponerse al día con los demás mientras disfrutan de café (o té) y donas inmediatamente después del servicio de las 10:30.
The Community Garden is a joint effort between Hillside ECC and the Hill. Say hi to the chickens as you plant, tend to, and harvest seasonal crops, which are then shared with community members. For more information, please contact Ron Tamaru.
During the year, the Hill hosts or facilitates a number of community gatherings, including an Easter Egg Hunt, Fourth of July on the Hill, Blessing of the Backpacks, the NAMI Walk, Blessing of the Animals, Hillside Sunday Fall Festival, Dia de los Muertos Ofrenda Table, Music on the Hill concerts, and more. View our Calendar or seasonal handout for details.
The Hill’s Sunday worship is supported by the musical leadership of a live, acoustic band. If you play an instrument and would like to join The Hill’s Angels, please contact Scott Strickland, Director of Music at the Hill.
In addition to the church, the Hill’s campus includes Hillside Early Childhood Center, a pre-k day school with its own 501(c)(3) status; a community garden maintained by parishioners and school families; and the Park at Love Hill, a public green space open to the neighborhood. As a small-but-growing community, there are many opportunities to lead and serve.