Our Children, Youth & Family ministry team offers Christian formation through a faith-enriching curriculum and community-building events. Our staff works collaboratively with parishioners to nurture faith journeys from preschool through high school graduation. We welcome all – whether long-tenured or brand-new to the parish – to join these programs. We send a monthly email with information on children, youth & family ministries. If you would like to subscribe, please contact the Rev. Jonathan McManus-Dail.
The Rev. Jonathan McManus-Dail, Priest for Children, Youth & Families
To sign up your child for any of these offerings, please click here.
Children are welcome in any of our worship services on both campuses. Our Early Church service at 9:15a on the Windsor campus is designed with special attention to children ages eight years and younger. The service is shorter in duration and includes a brief sermon intended for children and adults.
Children and families are an integral part of the Hill. Nursery care is provided during the 10:30a service. Families who prefer to stay together in the service are invited to take advantage of the “Pray Ground” play and crawl area in the back of the sanctuary, as desired.
Sundays | 10:00a – 12:00p
Both Campuses, Nursery
Nursery care is provided for our youngest members (under 3 years old) every Sunday during the 10:30a services on both campuses. In a warm and nurturing environment, we will assist you in beginning to build your child’s faith foundation from the ground up. Children can be picked up at any time. We look forward to greeting you and your children for nursery care!
Sundays through December 15 | drop off begins at 10:15a
Windsor, Education Building
Our Godly Play program is a creative, imaginative approach to Christian formation and spiritual guidance for children 3 years old (potty trained) through 2nd grade. Every Sunday children gather in our Education Center to learn about the Bible and explore God’s expansive presence and unconditional love for them. Check-in begins at 10:15a with Godly Play lessons starting at 10:30a. Pick up children at the Peace so they can join you for Holy Communion. For more information, please contact the Rev. Jonathan McManus-Dail.
Sundays September 8 – December 15 | 10:15a
Windsor, Education Center
Kids in 3rd-5th grade are encouraged to join with their friends every Sunday morning for a Bible Study that is fun and informative. Building on the foundation kids receive in our Godly Play program, this Bible Study is intended to help late-elementary kids develop biblical literacy and a vocabulary of faith alongside their peers. For more information, please contact the Rev. Jonathan McManus-Dail.
Sundays, September 8 – December 15 | 12:00p–2:00p
Windsor Campus, Youth Corner
Youth in 6th-12th grades are invited to come join us for a time of food, games, and Jesus! We will begin by eating a meal together from 12:00p–12:30p, then will enjoy a time of fellowship as we play together and spend time learning about God. For more information, contact the Rev. Jonathan McManus-Dail.
Sundays | 10:00a-10:30a
Windsor, Children’s Choir room
The Children’s Choir aims to foster a love of singing, musical skills to enjoy for a lifetime, and will feature performances in our worship services throughout the year. Children’s Choir is open to children in Kindergarten – 5th grades with no prior choir experience necessary. For more information, please contact our new Children’s Choir Director, Kellie Brewer.