I am a lifelong Episcopalian and thrilled to be joining the family of Good Shepherd. Born and raised in Florida, my spouse and I have lived in Florida, North Carolina, and North Texas. I graduated from High Point University in North Carolina with a degree in Elementary Education and from the University of North Florida with a Master’s degree in Educational Leadership, and enjoyed a career in public and independent schools as a teacher and school principal. After discerning a call to the priesthood, I graduated with my Master of Divinity from Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, and completed coursework in Anglican Studies at Duke Divinity School in NC before graduating Summa Cum Laude from Perkins. I was ordained to the transitional diaconate in the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas and to the priesthood in the Diocese of Southwest Florida on behalf of the Diocese of North Carolina. We have moved quite a few times in our 30-year marriage! I have served at The Chapel of the Cross in Chapel Hill, NC, The Cathedral Church of St. Peter and St. Bede’s Episcopal Church in St. Petersburg, FL, as well as done interim work at Christ Memorial Episcopal Church in Kaua’i, HI and St. Paul’s Cathedral in Oklahoma City. We are the proud parents of our daughter Amelia and love to travel and explore the areas where we live. Our rescue Brittany Spaniel Annie keeps us on our toes!