
Reconciliation and the Prodigal Daughter – The Rev. Shannon Preston – Communion Café

October 23, 2016

    “…Today when someone disagrees with us – when someone sees the world differently than us – the reaction seems to be to quickly jump to conclusions of who they are, how wrong they are, and how much more we understand or know. A divide goes up between those who are like minded and those who are different. We close the door to someone who walks away from the path we are on.

    And this is all a part of stewardship because reconciliation and forgiveness are our offerings as Christians. This is a part of love that isn’t easy, that doesn’t at first look joyful, or happy, or bright. It takes work and it takes prayer, and it often takes God’s grace to be an agent of reconciliation, an instrument of forgiveness…”

    Save PDF for full sermon.