

We thank you for your support and participation in Good Shepherd’s 2025 stewardship campaign: Understanding Union with God & One Another. It is through stewardship that we recognize everything we have is a gift from God, and we are called to give back a portion of those blessings in service to others. We invite you to prayerfully consider how you can support the mission and ministries of our parish through financial giving.

Understanding Union with God & One Another
We believe that Good Shepherd is called to be a beacon for unity. In a time that can feel polarizing, we rejoice in all the ways that God’s love draws us together. Making a financial pledge to Good Shepherd is an outward and visible sign of our union as a parish and how we depend on each other. Together, when we give not just out of abundance, but out of love and faith, we can accomplish so much more than we ever could alone.

Giving: A Spiritual Exercise
A financial gift is a love offering which springs from gratitude and a shared calling to be in communion with others. Your annual pledge is given freely without expectation, just as God’s love is given freely. In committing our financial resources, we are one in the funding of the programs and initiatives that God has called us to pursue.

Supporting: What Stewardship Dollars Do
●      Pledged contributions fund 80 percent of the parish budget. Your pledge helps us plan for 2025.
●      Pledges support all our ministry groups: liturgy, outreach, community building, children & youth, pastoral care, and faith formation.
●      Pledges help us attract and retain the talented clergy and staff who support the programs that are so meaningful to each of us. 
●      Pledges support our two beautiful church campuses, the physical spaces that enable our community’s growth and our mission.

Growing: A Result of Your Support
In a time when churches are shrinking, our Good Shepherd family continues to add new members. We are growing in all age groups, from the oldest to the youngest. Of interest, our 9:15a Early Church service has grown exponentially, and we invite everyone to come experience the joyful chaos firsthand!

Our Parish Goals: Your Best Gift
As we look ahead to the future of Good Shepherd, we believe that God is calling us to deepen our commitment to one another and the work we are doing together. Our parish goals include a 10 percent increase in pledge participation and a 10 percent increase in the average pledge amount. These goals aren’t just about numbers—they reflect our collective desire to increase meaningful participation in our community. Your best gift means thoughtfully reflecting on how you can support our shared mission in a way that aligns with your capacity to give.

Union in Mission
An upcoming parish-wide survey and meetings will provide opportunities for you to guide the parish’s ministries, resources and outreach efforts in the next five years. Stewardship plays a key role in this effort, as it calls us to faithfully manage and commit our time, talents, and financial resources to support the vision we set together. 

Your gift and participation are so important for the parish. We ask that you prayerfully reflect on the impact Good Shepherd has had on strengthening your faith and all that binds us together. We thank you wholeheartedly for your generous participation and prayers for Good Shepherd.

God’s peace, 

J. Pieratt, Jr. Warden

Ruth Whitehurst, Treasurer

2025 Stewardship Pledge

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