Online Morning Prayer
OnlineThis daily online prayer provides an opportunity to start our mornings with prayer and God. Join us on the Good Shepherd Facebook page.
This daily online prayer provides an opportunity to start our mornings with prayer and God. Join us on the Good Shepherd Facebook page.
We gather in person to support one another in the trials and joys of motherhood. We select books to read and discuss through a spiritual lens, and we reflect on the scripture readings appointed for the week. The group is comprised of moms of all ages, with a particular emphasis on those with small children […]
This Bible study is for any woman in transition—those new to being empty nesters, retirement, or any of the many other transitions in life. Together we read different books of the Bible, explore the books’ meaning at the time they were written and how the stories speak to our lives today. Some of us are […]
This daily online prayer provides an opportunity to start our mornings with prayer and God. Join us on the Good Shepherd Facebook page.
Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) is a program designed especially for the needs and interests of youth in 6th-12th grade. Students have the opportunity to build community with their peers in a setting that helps young Christians explore their developing faith. Participants will break into groups for middle school and high school students. Meets in the […]
This quiet, reflective service takes time to pray specifically for those whose names appear on our prayer lists - those who suffer in any way, our expectant mothers and newborn babies and their families, those who have died, and those serving in the armed forces. Anointing of the sick is offered to those who so […]
Looking Towards Lent: A Bible Study Join us for dinner from 5:30p-6:30p. At 6:30p the Rev. Terry Gleeson will lead a bible study. The season of Lent, climaxing with Holy Week, has evolved over the centuries, and has accrued a variety of customs and interpretations in different Christian cultures. This evening will explore some of […]
The Good Shepherd Evensong Choir is a smaller ensemble drawn from the adult choir. This ensemble sings at Evensong on the second Sunday of every month during the program year. Evening Prayer is the time with the church gathers to give thanks for the day that is ending, and Evensong is an expression of this, […]
The Good Shepherd Adult Choir leads worship at our 10:30a Sunday services in the church building and at special liturgies throughout the year. We draw on the very best of ancient, modern and world music, including works by local Austin composers. If you can sing well, are willing to work hard, and can commit to […]
This daily online prayer provides an opportunity to start our mornings with prayer and God. Join us on the Good Shepherd Facebook page.
This group of men and women meets in person and online for lively and intellectual discussion of scripture and faith. We rotate between studying the lessons for the upcoming Sunday and diving deep into a book of the Bible. It is a blessing to have the opportunity to talk about God and life as we […]
Women on the Journey meets weekly for a time of spiritual connection, mutual support, study and prayer. Members find meaning and guidance for their own spiritual journeys and also become companions to one another on the journey of faith to which Christ beckons. Our group is always open to new members. Join us on Thursdays on our […]