
Holy Eucharist with Choir

Holy Eucharist with Organ and Choir

Windsor Campus, Nave 3201 Windsor Road, Austin

Our most well-attended hour of worship, we customarily pray this mid-morning service in the The Book of Common Prayer’s Rite II. Supported by the choral leadership of the Good Shepherd Choir and organ, the 10:30a includes readings from scripture; a sermon; congregational hymns; prayers for God’s Church, the world, ourselves, and one another; and the […]

Youth Group

Youth Group

Windsor Campus, Youth Corner 3201 Windsor Road, Austin, TX, United States

Youth in 6th-12th grades are invited to come join us for a time of food, games, and Jesus! We will begin by eating a meal together from 12:00p–12:30p, then will enjoy a time of fellowship as we play together and spend time learning about God. Meets in the Youth Corner (Education Center). Register your teen […]

Holy Eucharist with Organ

Holy Eucharist with Organ

Windsor Campus, Nave 3201 Windsor Road, Austin

Our evening worship offers a more meditative, intimate atmosphere, acknowledging with prayer and setting the close of day. The 6:00p includes readings from scripture; a sermon; prayers; congregational hymns led by organ; and the celebration of the Holy Eucharist.  

Friends of Hillside Kickoff Meeting

Windsor Campus, Parish Life Center (PLC) 3201 Windsor Road, Austin, TX, United States

You're invited to be a founding member of Friends of Hillside, a new ministry supporting Hillside Early Childhood Center, Good Shepherd’s largest outreach program located in Southeast Austin. Friends of Hillside is a multi-generational group committed to breaking down barriers and finding simple, impactful ways to support Hillside Early Childhood Center through gifts of talent, […]

Contemplative Prayer Group

Contemplative Prayer Group

Windsor Campus, Reflection Room 3201 Windsor Road, Austin, TX, United States

Contemplative prayer, a form of Christian meditation, aims to open practitioners to the presence of God who dwells with us always. The tone of this prayer is peace, stillness and quiet. Contemplative prayer seeks a personal encounter with God through silence and is powerful when practiced with others. This prayer group meets in person from […]

Healing Service

Healing Service

This quiet, reflective service takes time to pray specifically for those whose names appear on our prayer lists - those who suffer in any way, our expectant mothers and newborn babies and their families, those who have died, and those serving in the armed forces. Anointing of the sick is offered to those who so […]

Evensong Choir Rehearsal

Evensong Choir Rehearsal

Windsor Campus, Choir Room 3201 Windsor Road, Austin, TX, United States

The Good Shepherd Evensong Choir is a smaller ensemble drawn from the Adult Choir membership, offering Evensong on special feast days and solemnities during the church year. Evening Prayer is the time when the church gathers to give thanks for the day that is ending, and Evensong is an expression of this. It is unique […]