

A Ministry of Leadership

Good Shepherd Narthex

A Vestry is the lay leadership body of an Episcopal congregation. The Vestry and Rector partner in modeling servant leadership, with the Rector responsible for the “spiritual welfare” of the community, and the Vestry responsible for the “temporal welfare” of the institution. Vestry members serve three-year terms. To meet these holy obligations, the Good Shepherd Vestry shares the following covenant.

We, the Good Shepherd Vestry:   
• serve our parish and our community in the name of Jesus Christ and for the good of God’s Kingdom, guided at all times by Holy Scripture;
• joyfully share the privilege of leadership in this congregation;
• commit ourselves to faithful attendance of meetings of the Vestry;
• promise daily prayer for one another, for the staff of the parish, and for the people of our congregations;
• commit to faithful attendance of Sunday and festival worship in the parish;
• commit to sacrificial giving to the Church as a witness of our gratitude for the blessings we enjoy;
• and commit to faithful participation in the programming of the parish, seeking to be supportive and knowledgeable of the endeavors of our congregation.

Class of 2026

Bill Davies, Senior Warden
Elizabeth Ann Gates
Sarah Haegelin
Will Jones
Suzanne Wolfrom

Class of 2027

Carol Burdette
Clarke Heidrick
Tim Jarvis
Amy Paddock, Junior Warden
Emily Price

Class of 2028

Brannon Smith
Caroline Goehring
Elizabeth Coffin
Stephen Keith
Trey Duck

Ruth Whitehurst, Treasurer