
Communion Café: Holy Eucharist

Windsor Campus, Parish Life Center (PLC) 3201 Windsor Road, Austin, TX, United States

Our second, primary service of mid-morning worship, Communion Café blends traditional, Episcopal worship and a relaxed, inclusive setting. Supported by the choral and musical leadership of a live, acoustic band, […]

Holy Eucharist with Choir

Holy Eucharist with Organ and Choir

Windsor Campus, Nave 3201 Windsor Road, Austin

Our most well-attended hour of worship, we customarily pray this mid-morning service in the The Book of Common Prayer’s Rite II. Supported by the choral leadership of the Good Shepherd […]

Youth Group

Youth Group

Windsor Campus, Youth Corner 3201 Windsor Road, Austin, TX, United States

Youth in 6th-12th grades are invited to come join us for a time of food, games, and Jesus! We will begin by eating a meal together from 12:00p–12:30p, then will […]

Holy Eucharist with Organ

Holy Eucharist with Organ

Windsor Campus, Nave 3201 Windsor Road, Austin

Our evening worship offers a more meditative, intimate atmosphere, acknowledging with prayer and setting the close of day. The 6:00p includes readings from scripture; a sermon; prayers; congregational hymns led […]

Mom’s Bible Study

Mom’s Bible Study

Windsor Campus, Media Room 3201 Windsor Road, Austin, TX, United States

We gather in person to support one another in the trials and joys of motherhood. We hold space to meet weekly and explore together mini-sabbaths and bite-size spiritual practices when […]

Transitions Bible Study

Transitions Bible Study

Windsor Campus, Media Room 3201 Windsor Road, Austin, TX, United States

This Bible study is for any woman in transition—those new to being empty nesters, retirement, or any of the many other transitions in life. Together we read different books of […]



Windsor Campus, Parish Life Center (PLC) 3201 Windsor Road, Austin, TX, United States

Alpha is a series of group conversations in 16 sessions over 11 weeks that explore the fundamentals of the Christian faith. Alpha participants meet weekly to eat together, watch a […]

Men’s Bible Study

Men’s Bible Study

Windsor Campus, Vestry Room 3201 Windsor Road, Austin, TX, United States

The Men's Bible Study invites all men of the parish to join them on Tuesday nights from 6:30 to 8:00p as they study the Bible together. Participants can bring any […]

Lenten Weekday Services

Lenten Weekday Holy Eucharist

Windsor Campus, Chapel 3201 Windsor Road, Austin, TX, United States

Weekday mornings, starting Thursday, March 6 – Friday, April 18 7:00a-8:00a | Windsor, chapel We invite you to make our Lenten weekday services part of your Lenten discipline. We celebrate […]